Set Over Set: Kevin Hobbs Eliminated by Spencer Trueman

Oct 29, 2019

Kevin Hobbs
Photo:  Kevin Hobbs

Six players put in 1,100 each to see a flop of Club KSpade QClub 6. Kevin Hobbs checks the small blind, and Mohammad Abu-Hadbah bets 1,500 from the big blind. Gordon Sinclair folds under the gun, Spencer Trueman calls UTG+1, Natasha Tatta calls from middle position, Trevor Strutt calls from the cutoff, and Hobbs check-raises all in for 27,400.

Abu-Hadbah folds, and Trueman moves all in over the top for about 75,000. Tatta and Strutt both fold.

Hobbs shows Spade 6Heart 6 for a set of sixes, but Trueman turns over Heart QDiamond Q for a set of queens. Hobbs has only one out — the six of diamonds — to stay alive.

The turn card is the Heart 5, the river card is the Spade 2, and the set of queens holds up for Trueman to win the pot and eliminate Hobbs.

Spencer Trueman  –  106,000  (353 bb)
Kevin Hobbs  –  Eliminated

Photo:  Spencer Trueman
Spencer Trueman

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