Denise Pratt Shoves the River Against John Agridiotis, Then Jokingly Threatens the Table with a Star Wars Action Figure

Oct 27, 2019

Denise Pratt
Photo:  After the hand, Denise Pratt went for the fist-bump and John Agidiotis went for the high-five. It worked out surprisingly well.

With the board showing Heart KSpade 7Heart 5Heart Q on the turn and about 12,000 already in the pot, Denise Pratt (pictured) checks under the gun, and John Agridiotis bets 8,800 from UTG+1. A third player folds from middle position, and Pratt check-raises all in for 57,150.

Agridiotis goes into the tank for a long time, and eventually the dealer says that a clock has been called. In her fun-loving way, Pratt says, “That was rude! Who did that?” The dealer tells her that two players called for a clock, but doesn’t point them out.

Pratt has a Star Wars action figure of a lightsaber-wielding Rey as her card protector, and she picks it up and sweeps it around the table, pointing it at the other players as she makes the sound of a lightsaber.

As the countdown nears zero, Agridiotis asks, “Will you show if I fold?”

Pratt coyly replies, “Maybe?”

Agridiotis folds Heart 7Heart 6 face up for a seven-high flush, and Pratt lets him off the hook by saying, “Nice fold” as she turns over her Heart AHeart 10 for an ace-high flush. Pratt offers Agridiotis a “no hard feelings” fist-bump for making the correct fold.

Denise Pratt  –  78,000  (156 bb)
John Agridiotis  –  60,000  (120 bb)

After the hand, Pratt says that she bought the Rey action figure today because she wanted a card protector. She says she has Wonder Woman waiting in her bag, and she’ll bring her out if she feels it’s necessary.

Photo:  Denise Pratt holds up her Rey action figure after the hand.
Denise Pratt

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