Danielle Bracy Doubles Through Kurt Lichtman

Oct 27, 2019

Danielle Bracy limps from the hijack, Kurt Lichtman limps from the cutoff and Brian Altman raises to 8,500 from the button. Both Bracy and Lichtman call.

The flop is Club QDiamond 8Spade 6, Bracy shoves for about about 24,000, Lichtman reshoves for about 42,000 and Altman folds.

Bracy: Diamond 9Diamond 7
Lichtman: Diamond QDiamond 5

The Spade 10 turn and Spade Q river complete the board, giving Bracy a ten-high straight to double up.

Danielle Bracy – 75,000
Brian Altman – 70,000
Kurt Lichtman – 18,000

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