Ash Gupta Doubles Through Iori Yogo

Oct 5, 2019

Iori Yogo opens to 2,200 from middle position and is called by the player in the hijack as well as Gary Benson on the button. Ash Gupta is in the small blind and re-raises to 10,200. Yogo then moves all in for just over 50,000. The player in the hijack and Benson fold. Gupta makes the quick call with a total of 43,950 behind.

Gupta: Club AHeart A
Yogo: Diamond QClub Q

The board runs out Spade 9Club 9Club 4Club KHeart 2 giving Gupta the winning hand with a higher two-pair.

Ash Gupta – 94,000
Iori Yogo – 6,200

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