Xing Biao Zhu Eliminated in 6th Place (₩20,120,000/~US $16,848)

Sep 23, 2019

Xing Biao Zhu

Xing Biao Zhu moves all in from the small blind for about 450,000, and Roman Ro quickly calls from the big blind with Spade ASpade Q. Zhu turns over Diamond KHeart 8, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club 7Diamond 4Spade 3Diamond 5Heart 2 — Zhu turns a Gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Ro wins the pot with his ace to eliminate Zhu in sixth place.

Roman Ro  –  1,290,000  (26 bb)
Xing Biao Zhu  –  Eliminated in 6th Place (₩20,120,000/~US $16,848)

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