Junheng Situ Doubles Thru Osamu Shishime To Take a 6-to-1 Lead

Sep 16, 2019

After a flop of Spade 8Spade 7Club 6, Junheng Situ bets 700,000, and Osamu Shishime calls.

The turn card is the Heart Q, Situ checks, Shishime moves all in, and Situ snap-calls all in for 5,410,000 with Heart 10Diamond 9 for a flopped ten-high straight.

Shishime turns over Spade QDiamond 4 for a pair of queens with a now-worthless gutshot straight draw, and he’s drawing dead.

The meaningless river card is the Spade A, and Situ wins the pot with his straight to double up in to a huge chip lead.

Junheng Situ  –  13,425,000  (67 bb)
Osamu Shishime  –  2,150,000  (11 bb)

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