Hand #5: Masaharu Oizumi Eliminated on the Money Bubble by Ping Liu

Sep 15, 2019

Masaharu Oizumi

There were no all-in-and-call situations during the first four hands of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble.

In Hand #5, Ping Liu raises from the cutoff to 60,000, Masaharu Oizumi (pictured) moves all in from the small blind for about 400,000, and Liu snap-calls with Heart ADiamond A.

Oizumi turns over Spade 10Heart 10, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club JClub 6Spade 6Heart 6Spade K, and the pocket aces hold up for Liu to win the pot and eliminate Oizumi on the Money Bubble in 10th place.

Ping Liu  –  1,510,000  (50 bb)
Masaharu Oizumi  –  Eliminated

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