Satoshi Kobayashi Eliminated in 27th Place by Masaru Mochizuki

Sep 15, 2019

Masaru Mochizuki raises UTG+1 to 23,000, Satoshi Kobayashi moves all in from the big blind for about 100,000, and Mochizuki calls with Spade AHeart 10. Kobayashi turns over Diamond 8Heart 6, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Spade JSpade 10Spade 4Spade KClub J, and Mochizuki pairs his ten on the flop and turns an ace-high flush (with a gutshot straight-flush draw) to win the pot and eliminate Kobayashi from the tournament.

Masaru Mochizuki  –  445,000  (37 bb)
Satoshi Kobayashi  –  Eliminated

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