Michael Seymour Doubles Thru Huynh Tan Dung

Sep 11, 2019

Michael Seymour Doubles Thru Huynh Tan Dung
Photo:  Michael Seymour smiles after his big double-up.

Huynh Tan Dung raises from the button to 200,000, Michael Seymour moves all in from the small blind for 1,435,000, and Dung thinks for a bit before he calls with Heart AClub K.

Seymour turns over Spade JHeart J, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond KHeart 8Spade 6Club JSpade A — Dung pairs his king on the flop, but Seymour turns a set of jacks to win the pot and double up in chips.

Michael Seymour  –  3,075,000  (38 bb)
Huynh Tan Dung  –  2,675,000  (33 bb)

Michael Seymour Doubles Thru Huynh Tan Dung

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