Paul Evans Doubles Through Will Givens; Cory Albertson Folds Kings Preflop

Jul 23, 2019

Maria Ho opens to 14,000 from under the gun and Cory Albertson calls next to act. From the cutoff, Will Givens three-bets to 52,000.

From out of the small blind, Paul Evans moves all in for 115,000. Michael Noori uses a time extension chip from the big blind and then folds. Ho folds, and Albertson uses a time extension chip and then also folds – but not before flashing his X KX K to Viny Lima. Givens calls.

Evans: Diamond ASpade A
Givens: Club QClub 8

The board runs out Spade 5Spade JClub 4Club 7Diamond Q and Evans fades the world to double through.

Paul Evans – 270,000
Will Givens – 335,000
Cory Albertson – 155,000

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