Min Ji Over 2 Million

Jun 26, 2019

Min Ji

Min Ji (pictured) opens to 32,000 in middle position and Srini Godavarthy calls in the cutoff, as does Ben Farrell in the big blind.

The flop lands Diamond 5Diamond 10Heart 2 and after Farrell checks, Ji continues for 60,000. Godavarthy calls, as does Farrell, and the turn is the Club 8.

Farrell checks once more, and Ji bets 185,000. Godavarthy uses two of his time extension chips before opting to fold. Farrell quickly folds behind, and Ji states he had ace-ten after the hand.

Min Ji – 2,085,000
Ben Farrell – 1,140,000
Srini Godavarthy – 222,000

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