Vince Van Patten Eliminated by Jimmy Setna, Steve Ross Triples

Jun 24, 2019


Steve Ross opens with a raise to 3,000 and is met with a call from Jimmy Setna before WPT Commentator Vince Van Patten (pictured) moves all in for roughly 58,000 from the blinds. Ross calls all in for roughly 44,500, and Setna calls covering both players.

Ross: X QX Q
Van Patten: X 7X 7
Setna: X AX A

The dealer spreads the Heart QHeart JHeart 8Spade JSpade 2 board, and Ross strikes a full house to climb up the leaderboard with a triple, while Setna eliminates Van Patten.

Steve Ross – 140,000
Jimmy Setna – 30,000
Vince Van Patten – Eliminated

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