Hand #9: John Caldwell Spikes a Jack to Double Thru Ilya Rogov

Jun 23, 2019

John Caldwell

In Hand #9 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, John Caldwell (pictured) raises UTG+1 to 8,000, and Ilya Rogov calls from the small blind.

The flop comes Spade 8Spade 7Heart 4, Rogov checks, Caldwell bets 11,000, and Rogov check-raises to 23,000. Caldwell thinks for a while before he moves all in for 74,000, and Rogov quickly calls with Heart AClub A. Caldwell turns over Spade JDiamond J, and begins walking away from the table in frustration.

The turn card is the Club 4, and the river card is — the Heart J!

Caldwell walks back to the table to see that he spiked a jack on the river to win the pot with a full house, jacks full of fours, to double up in chips.

John Caldwell  –  170,000  (57 bb)
Ilya Rogov  –  290,000  (97 bb)

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