Marco Bognanni Wins a Three-Way All-In to Knock out Yiannis Liperis in 14th Place

Jun 23, 2019

Marco Bognanni
Photo:  Marco Bognanni

Yiannis Liperis is all in from the button for 204,000, Marco Bognanni is all in from the hijack for 313,000, and they are both covered by Yo Hwan “BoxeR” Lim in the big blind. Here are their cards in descending order of chip counts:

Yo Hwan Lim:  Heart AHeart K
Marco Bognanni:  Spade AClub A
Yiannis Liperis:  Heart 8Diamond 8

The board comes Spade KHeart JClub 10Heart 6Spade 6, and the pocket aces hold up for Bognanni to scoop the entire pot, doubling thru Lim and eliminating Liperis in 14th place.

Marco Bognanni  –  832,000  (139 bb)
Yo Hwan Lim  –  125,000  (21 bb)
Yiannis Liperis  –  Eliminated in 14th Place  ($1,200)

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