Ryan Anderkin Doubles Thru Dan Chalifour

Jun 16, 2019

Final 27- Ryan Anderkin

As Carleen Heath is eliminated in 11th place, this hand is already in progress at the other table.

Dan Chalifour raises from the hijack to 160,000, Ryan Anderkin (pictured) moves all in from the button for about 385,000, and Chalifour calls with Club ASpade 8. Anderkin turns over Spade QDiamond Q, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Spade JHeart 8Heart 7Diamond JSpade 10 — Chalifour pairs his eight on the flop, but improves no further. Anderkin wins the pot with his pocket queens to double up in chips.

Ryan Anderkin  –  920,000  (15 bb)
Dan Chalifour  –  1,350,000  (23 bb)

The final 10 players redraw for random seats at the final table. Stay tuned for updated chip counts and seating assignments.

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