Ryan Anderkin Doubles Thru Adam Templeman

Jun 16, 2019

Ryan Anderkin Doubles Thru Adam Templeman
Photo:  Ryan Anderkin (top right) waits to get his all-in bet paid off after doubling thru Adam Templeman (left).

Adam Templeman raises from the cutoff to 125,000, Ryan Anderkin moves all in from the big blind for 445,000, and Templeman calls with Spade KClub J. Anderkin turns over Spade 8Club 8, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond 10Spade 6Club 5Spade 2Club 9, and the pocket eights hold up for Anderkin to win the pot and double up in chips.

Ryan Anderkin  –  915,000  (18 bb)
Adam Templeman  –  485,000  (10 bb)

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