Jason Marshman Out-Kicks Chad Eveslage

Apr 15, 2019

Keith Ferrera raises to 100,000 from under the gun and Chad Eveslage three-bets to 325,000 from middle position.

Jason Marshman calls on the button, and after the blinds fold, Ferrera folds also.

The Spade 4Club AHeart 10Heart QDiamond 10 board checks through to the river where Eveslage bets 275,000 and Marshman calls.

Eveslage tables his Spade ASpade 7, but it is Eveslage’s Diamond ADiamond K that will see him earn the pot.

Jason Marshman – 4,330,000
Keith Ferrera – 2,260,000
Chad Eveslage – 8,100,000

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