Hand #45: Feng Li Eliminated in 7th Place ($18,365)

Mar 25, 2019

Seat 1 Feng Li

Hand #45  –  After a flop of Diamond 10Diamond 7Club 2, Feng Li (pictured) checks from the big blind, Justin Liberto bets 85,000 from the hijack, and Li calls.

The turn card is the Diamond Q, Li checks, Liberto bets 190,000, and Li calls.

The river card pairs the board with the Club 7, Li checks, Liberto moves all in, and Li tanks for a long time before he calls all in for about 600,000 with Club AHeart Q for two pair, queens and sevens.

But Liberto turns over Spade 2Heart 2 for a full house, deuces full of sevens, to win the pot and eliminate Feng Li in seventh place.

Justin Liberto  –  3,675,000  (61 bb)
Feng Li  –  Eliminated in 7th Place  ($18,365)

After Feng Li left the table, Johnathon Gilliam said, “I’d have just moved all in, and saved a lot of time.”

Justin Liberto says, “That would have won the hand.”

Gilliam says, “I know!”

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