Hand #34: Ben Kaufman Eliminated in 10th Place ($9,739)

Mar 24, 2019

Final 18 Ben Kaufman

Hand #34  –  Ben Kaufman (pictured) moves all in from the hijack for 415,000, and Justin Liberto calls from the small blind with Diamond ADiamond K. Kaufman turns over Club QHeart 10, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club AHeart QSpade 9Club KSpade 8, and Liberto wins the pot with two pair, aces and kings, to eliminate Kaufman in 10th place.

Justin Liberto  –  1,900,000  (38 bb)
Ben Kaufman  –  Eliminated in 10th Place  ($9,739)

The final nine players are now verifying their chip stacks before bagging and tagging them up for tomorrow. Stay tuned for official chip counts for the WPTDS Final Table, which begins tomorrow (Monday) at 12:15 pm.

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