Hand #13: Ben Kaufman Doubles Thru Nitis Udornpim

Mar 24, 2019

In Hand #13 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, Ben Kaufman is all in from the small blind for 48,000 with Diamond KDiamond Q, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive against the Diamond 9Diamond 6 of Nitis Udornpim in the cutoff.

The board comes Spade AHeart 9Heart 3Club QDiamond 4 — Udornpim pairs his nine on the flop, but Kaufman pairs his queen on the turn to win the pot and double up in chips.

Ben Kaufman  –  112,000  (14 bb)
Nitis Udornpim  –  400,000  (50 bb)

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