Hunter Pappas Takes a Pot to Reach 42K

Mar 22, 2019

2019 Season VII WPTDeepStacks Maryland-Nathaniel Cram and John Hunter Pappas
Photo:  Nathaniel Cram (left) stares down Hunter Pappas on the turn.

The player in the cutoff raises to 300, Nathaniel Cram reraises from the small blind to 1,100, and Hunter Pappas calls from the big blind. The player in the cutoff also calls.

The flop comes Heart 5Heart 4Club 2, and Cram bets 2,100. Pappas calls, and the player in the cutoff folds.

The turn card is the Diamond 8, Cram bets 6,000, and Pappas raises to 14,500. Cram has about 17K remaining in his stack, and he thinks for a while before he asks Pappas if he has a straight. Pappas doesn’t respond and doesn’t move. Cram thinks a little longer before he folds, and Pappas takes the pot.

Hunter Pappas  –  42,000  (420 bb)
Nathaniel Cram  –  17,000  (170 bb)

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