Nawal Jaftha Eliminated in 4th Place for R228,000 ($15,837.39)

Mar 17, 2019

Nawal Jaftha

Nawal Jaftha opens to 500,000 and You Zeng three-bets all-in. It’s a call from Jaftha and the players flip their cards on their backs, only for Jaftha to see that she has the worst of it as well as being the player at risk.

You Zeng: Spade JClub J
Nawal Jaftha: Spade ADiamond 7

The flop is the Spade 8Club 2Spade K and Jaftha is looking for an ace or running spades. The turn is the two of spades and her equity increases significantly but the X X river falls short and the last woman standing has been eliminated.

You Zeng – 6,900,000
Nawal Jaftha – Eliminated

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