Juan Carlos Vecino Dueñas Eliminated by Raul van Boxtel

Mar 15, 2019

Raul van Boxtel arrives at the table with the words “there is no shame in folding” as he comes in as the big blind. Juan Carlos Vecino Dueñas gets his short stack in from the small blind and van Boxtel calls.

Vecino Dueñas: Club KSpade J
Van Boxtel: Heart 10Club 8

Van Boxtel flops trips and rivers a full house for good measure on the Diamond 10Spade 10Club 7Heart 2Spade 8 board to send Vecino Dueñas to the rail as well.

Raul van Boxtel – 1,100,000
Juan Carlos Vecino Dueñas – Eliminated

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