Paul Volpe Shoves the Turn in a 700K Pot Against Brian O'Donoghue

Jan 30, 2019

Paul Volpe

After unknown preflop action, Brian O’Donoghue reraises from middle position to 75,000, Paul Volpe (pictured) reraises from the small blind to 180,000, and O’Donoghue calls.

The flop comes Spade QHeart 10Spade 5, Volpe bets 150,000, and O’Donoghue calls.

The turn card is the Heart 7, and Volpe moves all in for 448,000. O’Donoghue uses one of his Time Chips to tank for nearly a minute before he folds, and Volpe takes the pot.

Paul Volpe  –  1,090,000  (109 bb)
Brian O’Donoghue  –  490,000  (49 bb)

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