Scott Efron Eliminated by Juan Martinez

Jan 17, 2019

Benjamin Zamani limps from under the gun, Juan Martinez raises to 1,300 from the next seat over, Scott Efron calls from the button, the player in the big blind calls and Zamani calls.

The flop comes down Heart 10Heart 9Spade 6, and action checks to Martinez who bets 2,300. Only Efron calls.

The turn is the Heart A, and both players check. The river is the Diamond 9, Martinez shoves with a covering stack and Efron calls all in immediately for 15,600 with Heart KHeart Q for a flush.

Martinez, though, tables X AX 9 for nines full of aces to win the pot and eliminate Efron.

Juan Martinez – 115,000 (383 bb)
Scott Efron – Eliminated

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