Stephen Oates Eliminated in 32nd Place (C$3,750)

Oct 30, 2018

Stephen Oates

Vasilios Gerontakos opens the button to 250,000 before Stephen Oates (pictured) three-bets to 700,000 from the small blind. Gerontakos shoves for 4,120,000, and Oates calls all in for 3,660,000.

Oates: Spade 9Heart 9
Gerontakos: Spade AHeart K

The board runs out Club ASpade QHeart 8Spade 3Diamond 2 and Oates is eliminated in 32nd place.

Vasilios Gerontakos – 7,900,000
Stephen Oates – Eliminated in 32nd Place (C$3,750)

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