Ricardo Hewitt Eliminated in 18th Place (41,000 MAD / 3,748 EUR)

Sep 29, 2018

Ricardo Hewitt

Boubekeur Benhalima makes it 50,000 to go in middle position and Ricardo Hewitt moves all in for 315,000 on the button. Only then he notices that there has been an initial raise, and Benhalima gives it some thought before calling.

Ricardo Hewitt: Heart QClub 10
Boubekeur Benhalima: Club KClub Q

Hewitt is in need of help and doesn’t find any, as he is left drawing dead on the turn of the board Spade 8Heart 6Club 5Diamond KSpade 3

Boubekeur Benhalima – 775,000
Ricardo Hewitt – Eliminated in 18th Place (41,000 MAD / 3,748 EUR)

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