Broskij Leads in Level 11

Sep 28, 2018

Krijn Broskij has a Dutch and Moroccan passport and lives in Morocco, and the “home soil” is treating him well, at least until mid-way through level 11 on Day 1B. Broskij flops bottom set with pocket eights against an opponent with ace-ten for top pair and top kicker.  The turn improves Broskij to a full house and he rivers the case eight for quads to deal the final blow in style.

Mesbah Guerfi is less fortunate and sends his short stack of 18,000 over to an opponent from Spain when getting it in preflop with Spade 6Heart 6 versus Diamond KHeart K. The board of Spade 8Spade 7Spade 3Heart 10Heart A provides no help for the Frenchman.

Krijn Broskij – 220,000
Mesbah Guerfi – Eliminated

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