Tsugunari Toma Wins a 3.25M Three-Way All-In Situation; Tatsuki Nakamura Out 7th; Paul Hong Down to 11bb

Sep 24, 2018

Tatsuki Nakamura vs. Tsugunari Toma vs. Paul Hong 3
Photo:  Tatsuki Nakamura (far left) can only watch as Tsugunari Toma (second from right) and Paul Hong (far right) reraise each other.

Paul Hong raises under the gun to 65,000, Tatsuki Nakamura calls from the button (leaving himself just 135K behind), and Tsugunari Toma calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Heart KHeart JHeart 8, and it checks to Nakamura, who moves all in for 135,000. Toma thinks for a bit before he calls, and then Hong tanks for a while before he check-raises to 500,000.

Now Toma goes into the tank, and after a long while he reraises to 1,000,000. The focus is back on Hong, and he goes back into the tank.

This has already been a long hand, but nobody’s complaining.

Hong eventually moves all in, and Toma snap-calls all in for 1,560,000. All three players show their cards:

Paul Hong:  Heart 9Heart 7  (nine-high flush)
Tsugunari Toma:  Heart QHeart 10  (queen-high flush)
Tatsuki Nakamura:  Diamond KSpade 10  (pair of kings)

Toma is in a dominating position to win the pot, unless Hong catches a runner-runner straight-flush or Nakamura catches a runner-runner full house.

The turn card is the Diamond 6, the river card is the Diamond 3, and Toma wins the pot with his queen-high heart flush to eliminate Nakamura and double thru Hong.

Tsugunari Toma  –  3,255,000  (109 bb)
Paul Hong  –  320,000  (11 bb)
Tatsuki Nakamura  –  Eliminated in 7th Place  (KRW 9,405,000)

Photo:  Tatsuki Nakamura couldn’t have been feeling that confident in his top pair while he watched his two opponents escalate the stakes.
Tatsuki Nakamura vs. Tsugunari Toma vs. Paul Hong

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