Team China Doubles Into an 8-to-1 Lead Against Team Hong Kong SAR

Sep 21, 2018

Team China

A big pot is brewing with the board showing Heart QHeart 5Diamond 2Heart 10 on the turn and 425,000 already in the pot.

Team China bets 126,000, and Team Hong Kong SAR uses one of their Time Chips to tank for a while before they move all in.

Team China snap-calls all in for 642,000 with Heart 9Heart 7 for a nine-high straight. Team Hong Kong SAR turns over Spade JClub 9 for an open-ended straight draw — they are drawing dead.

The meaningless river card is the Heart 3, and Team China wins the pot with their flush to double back into a huge chip lead.

Team China  –  1,709,000  (68 bb)
Team Hong Kong SAR  –  203,000  (8 bb)

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