Ping Liu Eliminated in 61st Place by Sinan Shathaya

Aug 26, 2018

Ping Liu_WPT500_DSC_6365

Sinan Shathaya opens to 60,000 from middle position, and Brian Snell calls on the button, as does Ping Liu (pictured) in the big blind.

The flop lands Spade 5Diamond 4Club 10 and Liu checks to Shathaya who bets 85,000. Snell calls, and Liu check-raises all in for 565,000. Shathaya shoves over the top and Snell mucks.

Liu: Club 7Spade 6
Shathaya: Spade 4Club 4

The turn and river land the Spade A and Heart Q, and Liu is eliminated in 61st place for a $3,150 payday.

Sinan Shathaya – 1,460,000
Ping Liu – Eliminated in 61st Place ($3,150)

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