Chris Grigorian Eliminated in 97th Place by Adin Gardenswartz

Aug 26, 2018

Chris Grigorian_WPT500_DSC_6426

Chris Grigorian (pictured) is all in preflop for 233,000 under the gun, and Adin Gardenswartz has him covered on the small blind. The two players then flip over their cards.

Gardenswartz: Heart KClub 9
Grigorian: Heart AClub Q

Board: Club KHeart 5Spade 2Heart 9Heart 8

Grigorian is eliminated on the hand in 97th place, good for $2,200, and Gardenswartz holds 870,000 after collecting the pot.

Adin Gardenswartz – 870,000 (87 bb)
Chris Grigorian – Eliminated in 97th Place ($2,200)

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