Adam Swan Piles the Turn

Aug 20, 2018

Adam Swan kicks things off with a raise under the gun to 1,200. Thomas Woodard calls from two seats over, as does TJ Shepherd on the button.

Both the small blind and Erik Nason in the big blind come along, and they check the Club 7Diamond 10Spade 7 flop. Swan checks too before Woodard bets 2,000.

Action folds round to Swan, and he calls before checking the Spade 6 on the turn. Woodard bets 3,500, and Swan check-raises all in for 15,900.

Woodard folds, and Swan scoops in the pot.

Adam Swan – 27,500
Thomas Woodard – 33,000
TJ Shepherd – 23,000
Erik Nason – 18,000

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