Mina Greco Finds Double Back to Starting Stack

Aug 3, 2018

Mina Greco

Following a raise to 800 from under the gun, and a call from the player next to act, the action folds round to Mina Greco (pictured) in the cutoff.

Greco tosses in a grey 5,000-denomination chip while announcing an inaudible three-bet. With the action back on the player under the gun, he four-bets to 8,000. The next player then quickly splashes out a five-bet totaling 22,900 and Greco calls all in for 15,300. The under the gun player folds, and the cards are tabled.

Greco: Club AClub K
Opponent: Spade 2Club 2

The dealer spreads a Heart 3Spade 6Heart 6Spade 4Heart 4 board, and Greco counterfeits her opponent and doubles back to starting stack.

Mina Greco – 39,400

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