Kelley Slay Eliminated in 15th Place by Joseph Guarino

Jul 2, 2018

Kelley Slay Kelley Slay

Hugh Grant raises to 300,000, Joseph Guarino reraises cut to 950,000, and Kelley Slay (pictured) calls all in from the small blind for 575,000. Grant folds.

Slay turns over Spade QDiamond Q, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive against Guarino’s Diamond ADiamond K.

The board comes Spade 8Heart 6Club 4Heart KSpade 10, and Guarino pairs his king on the turn to win the pot and eliminate Slay in 15th place.

Joseph Guarino  –  3,300,000  (26 bb)
Kelley Slay  –  Eliminated in 15th Place  ($10,740)

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