Brett Collson Eliminated in 67th Place by Ricky Esterak

Jul 2, 2018

Brett Collson

After losing a hand previously where he lost a race holding X AX K to X 9X 9, seasoned industry member Brett Collson (pictured) was left with just 160,000.

Ricky Esterak raises to 55,000 in the cutoff, and Collson moves all in from the small blind for 160,000, and Esterak calls.

Collson: Club KDiamond Q
Esterak: Heart 2Diamond 2

The board runs out Diamond 7Diamond 10Diamond 3Spade 6Heart A and Collson is unable to connect with his two overcards and flush draw, and he falls in 67th place for a $3,200 payday.

Ricky Esterak – 565,000
Brett Collson – Eliminated in 67th Place ($3,200)

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