Mateusz Moolhuizen Doubles

Jun 30, 2018

Following a raise on the button to 8,000, Mateusz Moolhuizen three-bet the small blind to 28,000. His opponent calls and the flop lands Spade ADiamond 8Club 7.

Moolhuizen continues for 20,000, and his opponent calls as the turn falls the Heart 5 and Moolhuizen now checks.

The button bets 30,000, and Moolhuizen calls, and then checks the Spade 4 on the river.

The button shoves all in for 200,000, and without too much hesitation, Moolhuizen calls all in for 75,000 and tables his Club AHeart J to pick off the button’s bluff with Club JClub 9.

Mateusz Moolhuizen – 310,000

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