Kyle Swan Eliminated on the Money Bubble by Carlos Villareal

Jun 29, 2018

Adi Ben Ami opens with a raise from middle position, and is met with four callers to see a Heart KDiamond JClub 4 flop.

Action checks round to Carlos Villareal in the cutoff, and he bets out 13,000. From the big blind, Kyle Swan check-raises all in for roughly 70,000, and after it folds back to Villareal, he calls.

Villareal: Diamond KDiamond Q
Swan: Spade KClub 6

The turn and river land the Spade Q and Club Q, and Swan is eliminated in 57th place while simultaneously becoming the Day 1F bubble boy.

Carlos Villareal – 390,000
Kyle Swan – Eliminated on the Money Bubble in 57th Place

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