Paul Kelly Eliminated with Flush-Over-Flush

Jun 28, 2018

Following a limp and a call on the button, Paul Kelly calls on the button, as does Peter Vitantonio in the small blind.

The flop lands Diamond 8Diamond 4Heart 8 and the original raiser bets 2,100. Kelly raises to 4,400 after the cutoff folds, and Vitantonio cold-calls in the small blind.

The original raiser also calls, and after a Vitantonio check on the Diamond Q turn, he bets 7,500. Kelly raises to 27,500 and Vitantonio folds before Kelly’s opponent calls and checks the Club 7 on the river.

Kelly goes all in for just under 10,000, and his opponent check-calls holding Diamond JDiamond 10 for a flush. Kelly shows his Diamond 6Diamond 3 for a lower flush, and he heads to the rail.

Peter Vitantonio – 108,000
Paul Kelly – Eliminated

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