David Williams and His Kings Can't Hold

Jun 28, 2018

Paul Kelly raises to 1,200 from early position and is met with one caller from late position before David Williams three-bets to 5,100 from the cutoff.

The player in the big blind shoves all in for 11,600, and Kelly responds by sliding out a stack of chips amounting to 31,200 to effectively put everyone all in. The player caught in the middle folds, but Williams quickly calls for his 14,700 total.

Williams: Spade KDiamond K
Kelly: Diamond 9Club 9
Big Blind: Heart 8Spade 8

The dealer spread a Heart ADiamond 8Spade 4Spade 10Club 5 board, and the big blind found his two outer to scoop the main pot while Williams one the small side pot.

Paul Kelly – 38,000
David Williams – 6,200

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