Ben Keeline Clips Oscar Menjivar

Jun 25, 2018

Ben Keeline
Photo:  Ben Keeline

Catching the action on the turn with the board reading Club QSpade KSpade 4Club 10 and a little over 10,000 in the middle, Oscar Menjivar bet out 6,500 from the small blind.

His opponent in the hand was Ben Keeline in the cutoff, and he bumped it up to 17,000. Menjivar responds with a three-bet to 35,000, and Keeline calls.

The river lands the Heart K and both players check.

Menjivar tables his Spade QSpade 10, but it would be Keeline’s Club JSpade 9 for a straight that would ensure he was pushed the pot.

Ben Keeline – 130,000
Oscar Menjivar – 77,000

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