Ovidiu Groza Turns a Straight on Oscar Menjivar

Jun 25, 2018

Ovidiu Groza

Oscar Menjivar opens to 4,500 from early position, and Michele McLeod calls in the small blind, as does Ovidiu Groza (pictured) in the big blind.

The flop of Spade 5Heart JHeart 3 checks through as the Spade 6 lands on the turn. McLeod checks, Groza bets 15,000, and Menjivar calls as McLeod folds.

The river of the Club Q sees Groza fire out a bet of 25,000, and after a little deliberation, Menjivar calls.

Groza tables his Club 4Club 2 for a straight, and Menjivar mucks.

Ovidiu Groza – 231,500
Oscar Menjivar – 143,000
Michele McLeod – 12,000

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