David Gelley Holds in Monster Chip Lead Pot

Jun 25, 2018

David Gelley

Following a raise under the gun to 1,500, and a call from the player next to act, Alberto Sayde calls in the hijack, as does David Gelley (pictured) in the big blind.

The flop lands Heart 6Spade 7Heart J and Gelley and the preflop raiser both check. The player next to act bets 3,100 and Sayde calls. Gelley responds with a check-raise to 10,600 and the preflop raiser folds.

The flop aggressor moves all in for 51,600 and Sayde mucks. Gelley calls, and the cards are revealed.

Gelley: Diamond QSpade J
Opponent: Heart AHeart 8

A monster pot was brewing, and Gelley was in the lead with top pair, and when the turn fell the Club 9, he would now need to fade a heart, ace, ten, or five.

The river lands the Club 7, and Gelley holds and eliminates his opponent while soaring into the outright chip lead.

David Gelley – 114,200
Alberto Sayde – 58,000

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