Post Dinner Action Starts Furios

Apr 18, 2018

Anton van der Dussen was eliminated while Don Bijlsma doubled with aces versus queens. Stefan Correlje was all in with the Heart AHeart K against the Spade QHeart Q of Soufiane Gherbi and the board of Club 10Club 6Diamond 5Club JClub 2 provided no help.

In the last hand before dinner, Gherbi had lost an all in situation against Ilan Buskila when the latter check-raised a flop of Heart AHeart KDiamond 8 with the Heart 8Heart 4 for bottom pair and the flush draw, Gherbi had ace-king for top two and a heart appeared on the turn.

Soufiane Gherbi – 180,000
Ilan Buskila – 120,000
Don Bijlsma – 90,000

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