The Pots Are Getting Bigger

Apr 17, 2018

Noah Boeken’s flopped full house with pocket eights against the ace-ten of Don Bijlsma for trips aces secured a big double for Boeken and soon after the fireworks started again.

Ahmed Abdella defended his big blind against Hon Cheong Lee and the duo checked the Heart JHeart 4Spade 2 flop. Abdella bet the Diamond A turn and then moved all in for his last 5,825 on the Spade 8 river. Lee reluctantly called and mucked when Abdella turned over Spade JSpade 4 for flopped two pair in order to double and get back into contention.

Noah Boeken – 65,000
Don Bijlsma – 47,000
Hon Cheong Lee – 45,000
Ahmed Abdella – 18,000

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