Nicholas Schuman-Werb Doubles Thru A.J. Gambino

Apr 17, 2018

Nicholas Schuman-Werb

A.J. Gambino raises under the gun to 90,000, Nicholas Schuman-Werb (pictured) moves all in from the big blind for 495,000, and Gambino calls with Spade AHeart Q. Schuman-Werb turns over Diamond 7Club 7, and needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Spade 7Diamond 3Club 3Club 8Club 6, and Schuman-Werb flops a full house, sevens full of threes, to clinch the pot right there and double up in chips.

Nicholas Schuman-Werb  –  1,045,000  (26 bb)
A.J. Gambino  –  540,000  (14 bb)

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