Bijlsma Doubles Through Lybaert

Apr 17, 2018

WPTDS Amsterdam

In the last hand before the break a big pot was brewing and it started rather innocent with a raise to 500 by Raoul Refos, a call by Noah Boeken and Don Bijlsma (pictured above). Out of the big blind, Bart Lybaert three-bet to 3,150 and all three opponents called.

After the Club JSpade 6Club 4, Lybaert’s bet of 6,000 was called only by Bijlsma and the Club 10 came on the turn. Lybaert checked and Bijlsma made it 12,000 to go, Lybaert check-raised all in and picked up a quick call.

Don Bijlsma: Spade 10Diamond 10
Bart Lybaert: Club KClub 3

Lybaert was in prime shape to join the chip leaders Hon Cheong Lee (65,000) and Fredrik Andersson (80,000), but the Club 6 river paired the board to let Bijlsma double for 23,850.

Don Bijlsma – 73,000
Bart Lybaert – 17,500

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