Natasha Mercier Eliminated in 42nd Place by Pedro Palacio

Apr 16, 2018

Natasha Mercier

Natasha Mercier (pictured) raises from the button to 40,000, Joseph Cheong calls from the small blind, and Pedro Palacio calls from the big blind.

All three players check to the turn on a board of Heart QDiamond 10Heart 6Heart 3, Cheong checks, and Palacio bets 65,000. Mercier and Cheong both call.

The river card is the Diamond 2, and it checks to Mercier, who moves all in for 232,000. Cheong folds, and Palacio calls.

Mercier shows Diamond AClub K for ace high, but Palacio turns over Spade 10Diamond 7 to win the pot with a pair of tens. Mercier is eliminated in 42nd place.

Pedro Palacio  –  1,375,000  (86 bb)
Natasha Mercier  –  Eliminated in 42nd Place  ($14,536)

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