Keith Massetta Wins a 3-Way All-In Situation, Doubling Thru Pedro Palacio and Eliminating Dylan Linde in 61st

Apr 16, 2018

Keith Massetta
Photo:  Keith Massetta

Dylan Linde moves all in from middle position for 118,000, Pedro Palacio calls from the cutoff, and Keith Massetta moves all in over the top from the big blind for 291,000. Palacio calls, and they turn over their cards:

Pedro Palacio:  Heart 9Club 9
Keith Massetta:  Spade KSpade Q
Dylan Linde:  Spade 7Club 7

The board comes Diamond ASpade 5Heart 2Diamond 4Diamond Q, and Massetta pairs his queen on the river to scoop the entire pot, doubling thru Palacio and eliminating Linde in 61st place.

Keith Massetta  –  714,000  (60 bb)
Pedro Palacio  –  720,000  (60 bb)
Dylan Linde  –  Eliminated in 61st Place  ($11,029)

Photo:  Dylan Linde
Dylan Linde

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