Ebanks "Ahead But Not Happy"

Mar 29, 2018

After an early position limp, Andrew Christoforou raised to 1,500. “Enjoy your tortilla,” said Christoforou to the cutoff, who was in the middle of eating. The cutoff then three-bet to 4,500.

Reuben Ebanks was in the big blind and four-bet all in for just under 15,000 from the big blind. The limper and Christoforou folded.

“No one believes you when you raise while you’re eating,” said the cutoff. “I think you have Ace-King, I call.”

Ebanks showed Heart KSpade K and the cutoff was all in holding Club 10Diamond 10.

“Still not happy,” said Ebanks, “I’m ahead but I’m not happy.”

The flop came Heart 9Heart 7Diamond J. “Give me an eight,” said the cutoff.

“About that…” said Christoforou, indicating that he folded pocket eights. The turn and river Heart JDiamond 7 didn’t help the cutoff and he was eliminated.

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